What is FR4?

FR4 stands for two things: Material: As a manufacturing material, it means fiberglass-reinforced epoxy-laminated sheets. it is used in FR4 PCB manufacturing.

Grading: It is also a rating unit. The epoxy laminate was graded. This grading indicates the base quality of an epoxy sheet.

This rating helps in determining the quality of various types of sheet materials and designs.

In this,

FR means flame retardant.

4 refers to the factors that distinguish it from other materials refers to 4most

What is FR4 PCB Board? A print circuit board with FR4 is called the FR4 PCB board. It is a printed circuit board that essentially uses the FR4 sheets. At first, the FR4 is used in the insulating layer of the circuit board. Then, we add a copper layer on either side of the FR4 sheet. As a result of this, it becomes CCL (Copper Clad Laminate). Due to FR4, CCL acts as an insulating material. It is then used in manufacturing FDR PCB boards The FR4 gives PCB boards a strength. Moreover, they are great at absorbing moisture and resisting fire. Therefore, these boards are very popular in the market.

We are the top China PCB manufacturer from low to mass production. MOKO Technology coordinates the whole process which includes FR4 PCB manufacturing, design, assembly, testing and finally shipment. You got a real product according to your design.

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